I believe we need Stem-cell Research although I am VERY against having a baby solely to get the embryonic Stem-Cells. I believe that scientists have now found several sources of Stem-Cells and that they need to be allowed and encouraged to do research.
I believe we need a VERY STRONG very well trained standing military with all the bells and whistles and new gadgets we can train them on. This means LOTS of government money supporting them and I am all for it! By the way ... this sort of spending does stimulate the economy and creates tons of jobs.
I believe EVIL exists on this Earth and that there are people and groups who would like to see America brought to it's knees. ((Sadly, I also believe some of those people are now in control of our country.)) Most of these people and groups are elsewhere in the world ... but America and all she stands for is their target. There is no reasoning with these people and Tea and Scones and face-to-face talks are NOT going to persuade them to suddenly love us.
I believe George Bush was privy to a lot of classified information which we may never know about in detail. I believe there were Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq and I know for a fact that we found many stockpiles of chemical weapons and weapon supplies ... but I also believe that many were relocated to countries bordering Iraq ((Syria??)) and that we will greatly regret leaving Iraq, if and when we do. A stable Iraqi Democracy would be a wonderful thing. I am still hoping we can pull it off.
I believe George Bush tried very hard to be bi-partisan with all the spending he did over the 8 years he was in office. He gave Unions (a democrat thing) all kinds of stuff and the "Stimulus" checks of 2008 and the "stimulus" spending at the end of his term were totally 100% liberal democrat actions. Most conservative Republicans were left without a leg to stand on when Bush kept throwing government money at people. I'll agree with the war spending. Anything else, he should have vetoed.
I have recently been told I am a fiscal conservative and a social liberal .... I guess I can (kind of) see that. Well ... my President Bush seemed to be socially conservative and appeared to be a fiscally liberal ... and I honestly think THAT is was has led to the collapse of Republican Power. Maybe he was fiscally liberal in an effort to cross the aisle?? If so ... oh boy did that backfire!
By the way ... how many of you know that Congress has been under the control of the Democrats since 2006?? That would be Pelosi. Bush hasn't been able to do anything since 2006 without Congressional approval. Yet somehow he has taken the blame for all the spending since 2006? Blame the military spending on Bush .... everything else? Well that would be Pelosi! And how many of you are really excited that Nancy Pelosi is #3 in line to be President?? Hmmmmm ?????
More ... yes more to come ....