Sunday, March 22, 2009

$ One Trillion ... what it looks like ....

I borrowed this from an email .... I did NOT write this .... just keeping it honest!

What does ONE TRILLION dollars look like ?

A billion dollars...
A hundred billion dollars...
Eight hundred billion dollars...
One TRILLION dollars...

What does that look like? I mean, these various numbers are tossed around like so many doggie treats, so I thought I'd take
Google Sketchup out for a test drive and try to get a sense of what exactly a trillion dollars looks like.
We'll start with a $100 dollar bill. Currently the largest U.S. denomination in general circulation.. Most everyone has seen them, slighty fewer have owned them. Guaranteed to make friends wherever they go.

A packet of one hundred $100 bills is less than 1/2" thick and contains $10,000. Fits in your pocket easily and is more than enough for week or two of shamefully decadent fun.

Believe it or not, this next little pile is $1 million dollars (100 packets of $10,000). You could stuff that into a grocery bag and walk around with it.

While a measly $1 million looked a little unimpressive, $100 million is a little more respectable. It fits neatly on a standard pallet...

And $1 BILLION dollars... now we're really getting somewhere...

Next we'll look at ONE TRILLION dollars. This is that number we've been hearing about so much. What is a trillion dollars? Well, it's a million million. It's a thousand billion. It's a one followed by 12 zeros.

You ready for this?

It's pretty surprising.

Go ahead...

Scroll down...

Ladies and gentlemen... I give you $1 trillion dollars....

Note the little man in red in the lower left corner.

(And notice those pallets are double stacked. $1000 billions)

So the next time you hear someone toss around the phrase "trillion dollars"... that's what they're talking about.

Thanks Pelosi

Click on the above link!

California .... get rid of her, please!!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Obama is Creating Class Warfare ....

Many people voted for Barack Obama because they believed that he was the best and brightest chance to forge WORLD PEACE! Yes ... World Peace. Remove George W. Bush .... "the Warmonger" in many people's eyes ... and replace him with Mr. "I want to negotiate with the Taliban, and with Iran, and send $900 Million dollars to Hamas!"

Obama is going to bring us world peace .... let's all hold hands and sing "Imagine" .... oh ... and then "Kumbaya".

Instead Barack Obama has done nothing but bring Class Warfare right into our front yards. Just read this article to see what I mean ...

But wait .... YOU are probably one of those people angry over the AIG bonuses, right? PLEASE let me put something into perspective for you ....

Let me list out the #'s here so you can SEEE them. Seems to me that words like million, billion, and trillion are having ZERO effect on people ... maybe the size of the numbers and their relationship will??

$170 Billion is $170,000,000,000
$93 Billion is $93,000,000,000
$165 Million is $165,000,000

Okay .... Count the zeros .... now listen to this.

$170 Billion is how much the US government spent to "bailout" AIG.

$93 Billion is how much AIG has since sent to European Companies who are part of their conglomerate .... here is the link about that ...

$165 Million is how much AIG spent on contractural bonuses to employees.

Now ... let's do the Math ...

93 Billion / 170 Billion = 54.7 % of the Bailout money WENT TO EUROPE!!!

165 Million / 170 Billion = .097 % went to pay contracted bonuses .... yes ... the decimal is in the correct place. Not even 1% .... not even One-Tenth of a percent!! And this money went to US Citizens who worked under contract to AIG. This seems to me to be a HUGE case of Obama and company playing "Bait and Switch" .... "Look over here!! Look at this!!!" while meanwhile far, far worse things are happening with their total knowledge.

Why isn't anyone screaming about the European companies getting all of that US Taxpayer money? HUH???

Oh NO!! Instead we are attacking each other! Over a measley $165 Million!! Which, by the way, was written into the Stimulus Bill which was rushed into passage and signed by Obama.

US Citizens are attacking other US Citizens!! And our great leader?? He is on "The Tonight Show" making fun of Special Olympics! And making speech after speech about how he is going to get back that "tax-payer money" and give it back to it's rightful owners! Excuse me??? Who exactly gave all that money to AIG in the first place?? AND authorized the bonuses in the Stimulus Bill!!

And Obama and company are probably laughing their heads off! "Hey! Look what we got away with! And now we have poor and middle-class people getting really angry at rich people!! This is great! And it was so easy!!"

So ... what is next? Are we all going to start driving through nice neighborhoods and harrassing people who live in big wonderful houses? Are we going to start wondering how our neighbor can afford that new car, or that vacation, or that pool? Are we going to start pointing fingers at each other and saying "I want what you have and I want it now and you have no right to it!"?

Obama and company are literally attacking the wealthy ... but what is so amusing is .... ummmm .... Obama and company ARE wealthy ... and THEY are spending our taxpayer dollars like they can just print as much as they want! Oh wait! They ARE printing as much as they want ....

Everytime you hear someone attacking someone for making money, they are driving yet one more nail into the coffin of America. Everytime you think that the rich owe YOU something, you are buying into Communism.

"From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs." -Karl Marx

If you believe that .... you are headed for Communism .... and Obama is leading the march. And he and Congress need to be stopped.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Maslow .... Friends .... and Politics ....

I have been having a very very hard time dealing with Politics and Friendship since about October 2008. And it is only getting worse and worse.

I have several friends who are Liberal and even one who calls herself a Marxist. These women FELT very strongly that making Barack Obama President of the United States of America was the right thing to do ... because we needed Hope and Change and Yes We Can! No amount of reason nor logic would sway them .... and to be honest, I didn't try very hard. I really didn't think he could win. But win he did.

So now .... 60 days into His Presidency .... I am getting more and more and more disturbed by the moves He is making. And I am not being silent about these feelings. And this is causing my friends to pull away from me and me from them.

This has greatly troubled me. Should I let politics ruin friendships? What kind of person does this? Politics are Politics and I can't do much about them .... my friends, I love and need them. Why am I letting politics win?

The answer came in the form of a totally different question and the answer proposed by my spouse! The question was "Should the individual or society be of primary importance?" Tom's answer involved Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs ....

Wow .... Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs ..... I actually studied that in high school and college! And I was very affected by it. I even own the book! Here is the hierarchy in pictorial form ....

According to Maslow .... this is the order in which our needs must be met and if anything on a lower level is messed with, the higher levels will suffer. I tend to agree with the logic in this. So .... notice the Orange area of this chart .... SAFETY!! Safety has always been a major deal for me. Look at the definition of safety according to Maslow.

  • Security of Body
  • Security of Employment
  • Security of Resources
  • Security of Morality
  • Security of the Family
  • Security of Health
  • Security of Property

This SAFETY level is extremely important .... and an important foundation to the Yellow Level which is Love/Belonging .... which includes FRIENDSHIP.

See .... I feel very strongly that Obama and His People and His Decisions are severely affecting my Security Level. I can supply a link to news stories which threaten every one of those Orange Level Security issues. And much of it has to do with Obama's move away from Capitalism and towards Socialism. I feel threatened .... I feel my family is threatened .... and my friends voted in the man who is doing this. And what are they doing now? Well .... Not Watching the News!! It is too disturbing. Not Listening to What Obama is Doing!! It is too confusing. It's just politics and talking heads.

Meanwhile .... all checks and balances are GONE. NO ONE is stopping what is happening. And anyone who questions it is being harassed and threatened! I am quite sure I have myself on a number of lists now ... and that ain't a good thing.

But the Country my SON will be living in is changing quickly and NO ONE CARES!! Their children and grandchildren will be deeply affected .... and I don't think they believe it. Obama "Means Well" .... his "Intent is Good" .... and therefore that is all the matters! WHAT????

First of all ... if he means well he is a total idiot .... something which I actually am beginning to believe. If he thinks Socialism/Communism is the way America needs to go and that is what he "Intends" .... then I an sorry ... I DISAGREE!!! He does not "mean well" and his "intent" is NOT good. He means to destroy America from the very foundations of the Constitution. READ ..... READ and STUDY and LISTEN.

Things are not good ...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Star Parker .....

If you have not read anything Star Parker has written lately .... you should check her out!! Here is her Website .... READ HER STUFF!!!

This is one woman with a good solid head on her shoulders!!! And she can write!! And she is being published !!!


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Obama's Maturity and Integrity ...

Just wanted to remind you of the maturity and integrity which Obama displayed BEFORE he was elected. This video was filmed the night before the elections ... and he did it to Hillary several months prior to that ...

Can't WAIT until he gets upset with one of the foreign leaders !!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Stimulus for Dallas???

Okay .... so the headlines early last week in the Dallas Morning News were about the how some of the Obamanation Stimulus money is going to "help" the North Dallas Area. Seems that $2 billion of the Stimulus money which Texas is getting is going to go to improve the infrastructure around Dallas. Sounds great huh? Literally "around Dallas". $2 Billion to work on LBJ .... aka 635.

One of the highlights from the article I linked to above ....

"The Texas Transportation Commission gave preliminary approval Thursday to a deal that would cost taxpayers $445 million and attract another $1.5 billion from a team of investors led by Cintra, the Spanish-based toll company with a fast-growing presence in Texas. "

So .... let me see if I read that right .... a SPANISH based company is going to be doing the construction .... as an "investment". And Taxpayers are paying $445 Million for the construction of a TOLL ROAD???

Yes .... a TOLL ROAD. To quote the article further ....

"But in a twist that will make it one of the most talked-about projects in the U.S., Cintra will also dig a 25-foot-deep trench between, and partially under, the freeway. In that hole, Cintra will build six toll lanes that will carry rush-hour price tags that will initially be set at about $7.07 each way for the 13-mile trip."

Yes .... you read that correctly .... Charging$7.07 EACH WAY for a 13 mile trip. The article continues on to say that the rates could go as high as $11.00 ONE WAY! Go ahead ... read the article ... it is all there.

Okay Mr. President Obama .... exactly how is this stimulating the AMERICAN Economy? A company based in SPAIN is going to take years and years and millions of US taxpayer $$$'s to build a TOLL-ROAD from which they will collect the Tolls. Meanwhile .... Texans trying to get from the East side of North Dallas to the West side of North Dallas/Irving will have to deal with the years of construction when all they want to do is get to work. Then ... when the roads open, they will have to pay tolls in order to get to work, if they want to get there quickly. And this is helping the American worker, how?

Am I missing something here??