Friday, January 30, 2009

My Apologies to President Obama ....

Dear President Obama ...

I feel I must apologize to you. ((I hope it is okay to use a lower case "y" in you ...)). I recently said that now that you are officially President of the United States of America, that I would support you ... and I hoped you would be successful ... because if you are successful, America is successful.

I am very sorry President Obama, but I must now retract my pledge of support for you. It has very quickly become obvious to me that if YOU are successful, YOU WILL destroy America. This "Economic Stimulus" Bill which you are pushing so desperately at the moment is so filled with Pork and Earmarks and wasteful, disgusting spending ... I am shocked that you can stand up and say "America Needs This".

I DARE YOU to Remove the Pork. Remove the give-aways to "new immigrants". Remove the abortions paid for by taxpayer money (how does that help the economy? I mean ... I an Pro-Choice ... think women should have the right to choose ... but I don't want to PAY FOR IT unless I am the one choosing.) Remove the PORK!!! Please ... I also DARE YOU to stand up to Nancy Pelosi. I Double Dog Dare you on that one!

All you are doing is proving to every person who was against you in the last election ... that we were RIGHT!! You are a socialist with communistic leanings. You are actually even more frightening than we realized. I wanted you to prove us WRONG!!! I wanted you to be a man of integrity. But it appears more and more that you aren't!!! I mean, your flipping off of John McCain the night before the election pretty much told me all I need to know about you ....

And what makes you think that all the recently laid-off white-collar workers will now be willing to don a hard hat and pick up a jack-hammer and go to work on fixing the infrastructure of bridges and roads and schools?? The only people willing to do these jobs right now are illegal aliens (ooopppss ... I mean "new immigrants") and over-paid union workers. Who is building all the roads around Texas right now?? Well around here, it is a BRITISH Company who gets the contracts!!! Mainly because they don't have to pay the American Union wages .... hmmmm .... who exactly will get the bids to shore up the infrastructure??

That is a valid question, President Obama.

Oh ... but while you are issuing Executive Orders to post-pone the move from analog to digital signals on TV's across the US .... would you also look into moving the Super Bowl to Saturday instead of Sunday?? It just makes more sense to have wild, drunken parties on Saturday night and recover on Sunday. This seems like something you might care about. Right up there with playoffs in Division 1 NCAA Football instead of the current bowl system. You could issue an executive order and fix that stuff, right? Along with letting terrorists loose from Spa-Gitmo. Good Luck with that.

Anyway ... I am sorry that I cannot back-up my promise to support you ... but I am an American ... a Conservative ... and a Capitalist. And you seem to have NONE of those characteristics.



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